Pain Around The Ankle Part 8 – Complex Regional Pain Syndrome 1

In this final part of the ankle series, we take a look at other conditions that may cause pain around the ankle.   REFLEX SYMPATHETIC DYSTROPHY – COMPLEX REGIONAL PAIN SYNDROME (CRPS) TYPE 1 Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD) is a post-traumatic syndrome of pain, and occasionally may complicate ankle injury.  In 1997, the International Association…

Simon Bartold
Director of Bartold Clinical

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2 responses to “Pain Around The Ankle Part 8 – Complex Regional Pain Syndrome 1”

  1. Thanks Simon.
    Treated 4 people with CRPS and associated Dystonia. It was the dystonia I was targeting at that time. Pleased to say that all 4 were able to see the dystonia resolved, in spite of the CRPS. I was able to follow 3 of them up over time. One, informally at 6 months and dystonia remained resolved. One over 3 years (last email 3 months ago) and dystonia still resolved and one for 8 years. Again dystonia still resolved. Even though pain may still have been present the positive psychosocial benefits of restored and sustained mobility had profound impact.

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